domingo, 10 de octubre de 2010


The brain is one of the most important organs of our body, belongs to the nervous system, is located in the brain and consists of two halves called the left hemisphere and right hemisphere.

The two hemispheres are continuously connected with millions of nerve fibers that form the corpus callosum, although both are connected each has different functions, for example, the right hemisphere is responsible for coordinating the movement of the left side of our body, and left hemisphere coordinates right.

Differences  between the left and right sides of the brain

Each cerebral hemisphere has a way of processing the information it receives. To perform any task you need to use the two hemispheres, always seeking balance.
 In the next image is a diagram that I made showing the various functions of the hemispheres:

In the following tables that I made you can see some famous people and their dominant hemispheres:

How you think the dominant side has helped them in their career or life?
I think that they took advantage of the skills that had each one of their hemispheres to discover what really wanted they dedicate to help and share their gifts. In the personal, I would like have the ability of balance my hemispheres to I can have scientific, artistic and creative ability.

Neither of the hemispheres is more important than the other because they share their information; although in specific task use more some, always the other find out. In almost all right-handed and in many left-handed people the left hemisphere is dominant.
Sometimes we have not defined what is our dominant hemisphere for is reason is important we do exercises and activities to help us find out. For example in this link you will find more information and a test in where you can discover your dominant hemisphere:


According to this test, I am left hemisphere dominant, the truth I knew this because I haven’t much artistic ability.
In conclusion, the left hemisphere use the words and their derivatives: the logic and calculation. The right hemisphere is connected with the real, with movement and touch. Joining their funtions, we increase our mental capacity. For example:

You can find more information on the following links:


2 comentarios:

  1. Hi Alejandra!
    I read the information about the “The cerebral hemispheres” and it is very interesting.
    I was very impressed that our brain has two hemispheres and that influences our way of being.
    I also drew attention that the great scientists dominate the left hemisphere, because this hemisphere controls and scientific skills and famous artists, dominated over the right hemisphere because they are very creative.
    In the last example, I became confused because on some occasions, I said the color of the written word instead of saying the word. And the information of the links is very interesting. Good information.

  2. Thanks for sharing this nice blog. I read it completely and get more interesting knowledge from this. I again thanks for sharing such a nice blog.
